Qualtrics is an online survey platform used for the creation and distribution of surveys, and the collection, storage, and analysis of survey results.
The usage of Qualtrics is restricted to university-related work and the use of Qualtrics for third-party, for-profit, not-for-profit organizations, and personal use not related to ֲý University is not allowed.
Qualtrics is available to all ֲý University Faculty, Staff, and currently enrolled Students for research related purposes and is subject to the terms and conditions set for in this Acceptable Usage Policy as well as all federal, state, local and other applicable law; all University Rules and policies; and all applicable contracts and licenses, including the Acceptable Use Statement issued by Qualtrics at https://stockton.edu/qualtrics.
Qualtrics delivers training through their platform. To begin a training course, click Register and choose "Sign in with SSO" to authenticate with your ֲý GoPortal credentials. Visit the page for additional guidance.
ֲý offers two themes which are branded with the ֲý logo. A blank theme is also available.
It's important that your survey remains fully accessible to those using screen reading software. Qualtrics can check your survey for accessibility issues prior to launching. Learn more about this tool using the button below.
Proposed surveys should comply with ֲý Universities policies regarding collection information, personally identifying information (PII), FERPA, HIPPA, etc. Collected survey data is stored securely on servers maintained by Qualtrics and may be downloaded to local workstations. Failure to abide by ֲý University’s Acceptable Use Policies for Qualtrics and/or Qualtrics Acceptable Usage Policies may result in suspension of access to Qualtrics and other repercussions depending on the nature and the severity of the violation.
- ֲý University IRB policy states “All active human studies at ֲý University must be reviewed by the Institutional Review Board (IRB)”; therefore, IRB approval must be requested and received prior to delivering any survey through Qualtrics.
- Account holders may not share their login and password with others. ֲý University Information Services provides access to Qualtrics; however, responsibility for how individuals use the service resides solely with the individual.
- Each survey created under the ֲý University Qualtrics license has a primary author. The primary author of a survey is responsible for content posted or distributed through Qualtrics, subject to the normative rights and obligations in the academic community as these are expressed in the University rules and regulations.
- Using your Qualtrics account for non-university related activities is prohibited. This includes personal use or use on behalf of a company/other unit (whether for pay or not). Users will not use Qualtrics for personal or commercial gain.
- Users are responsible for downloading and securing all survey data in conformity with ֲý University policies and procedures for handling sensitive information.
- Surveys and survey responses collected through the use of the Qualtrics may be shared with parties external to ֲý University. Surveys and survey responses shared with parties external to ֲý University shall be the responsibility of the primary author / user granting access to the external party. All external parties granted access to the shared surveys and responses must abide by the Acceptable Use Policy, as well as all applicable ֲý University policies and other rules and regulations.
- All surveys, in the instructions to respondents, shall include the statement “All survey information will be retained and hosted on a third party Qualtrics server and not on a ֲý University server.
- Qualtrics Provides users with identifying themes “skins” when building a survey. The Primary author is responsible for selecting the appropriate theme for identification purposes and will not intentionally choose a banner which misrepresents their affiliation with ֲý University.
- Users must abide by ֲý University Identity Standards and Use of University Name, Seal and Logo policy.
- When moving to another institution or otherwise leaving ֲý University, a current user will have 60 days in which to contact the ֲý University Qualtrics administrators to make arrangements for their Qualtrics content to be transferred to a new institutional or personal account; after which ֲý University will close Qualtrics accounts delete all surveys and results.
- ֲý University may, at any time, disallow, alter, or discontinue access to Qualtrics, change the Acceptable Use Policy at its sole discretion. ֲý University may also revoke user access to Qualtrics for failure to abide by the terms in the Acceptable Use Policy.
The surveys created or the responses supplied using the ֲý University Qualtrics survey tool do not in any way constitute official ֲý University content. The contents and views expressed in student, faculty or other organization’s web pages are solely those of their particular authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or official positions of ֲý. ֲý supports the members of the University community in responsibly exercising their rights of free expression, but does not necessarily support the content of those expression The user expressly agrees to use this site solely at his/her own risk. Questions or concerns about page content should be directed to the primary survey author.
Acceptable use for ֲý University Qualtrics Online Survey also includes:
- University Policies and codes of conduct
- State privacy Laws and regulations
- Federal privacy laws and regulations, including but not limited to, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA).
- ֲý University Computer Access and Use policy
- ֲý University E-mail and Surveys Policy
- All other applicable laws and regulations
ֲý University policies referenced within this document: