25Live Tutorial
Tutorial Videos
Sample Space Diagrams
Please watch the tutorial videos below to learn 25Live, the scheduling platform used to submit requests.
- Be specific in your request. Incomplete information will result in processing delays.
- Once the request is submitted, it will be routed to a scheduler for review and processing. Your event is not considered approved until you review notification. Notification will go out by email to the individual listed as the “Requestor”.
- Once your request is submitted, the request is only editable by your scheduler. To request a change or cancellation, faculty and staff should contact their scheduler or event.services@stockton.edu. Student Clubs and Organizations should contact getinvolved@stockton.edu.
- If you are submitting a request for a repeated event that is similar to a previous one, consider searching for the previous reservation and using the “copy” function.
- Requests for dates earlier than the 4 day requirement should be directed to event.services@stockton.edu or 609 652-4878.
- Consider setup and breakdown times when looking for an available space. The shading indicates that the space is not available.
- Consider the room’s capacity and features when selecting a space. The capacity may changed based on room configuration and equipment.
*These are general guidelines. The exact scope of the space configuration needs and equipment will determine the specific setup and breakdown time buffers needed between events.
(Minimum duration in hours, before and after)
4 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
Indoor Athletic Facilities |
4 |
Galleries, Lobbies, Atriums and Lounges |
2 |
; |
2 |
3 |
- The Event Title will be the official title for your event as it shows on any published web calendars. Spelling and grammar count!
- The Event Description field is used to help communicate specific details about the event. Images, logos or flyers must be included by using a URL location. If the image, logo or flyer does not reside on a URL, upload the file to your request for the event scheduler to process. You may also submit this information using the following form:
- Choose the appropriate web calendar(s) based on the nature of your event. The event scheduler may adjust selections.
- If the event should not appear on any web calendars, choose “Do Not Publish on the Web”. This will supersedes any other selection that is chosen.
- Use caution when selecting any calendar beginning with “Webpage Dedicated”. These are intended only for events that have been designated to land on a specific office/program webpage.
- event form-- The 25Live environment for event creation and editing, which can be customized, by security group, to meet requirements for each group’s role in the event creation and/or editing process.
- organization-- An academic department or other group that sponsors events on your campus. The "primary" organization is the main, responsible group among possibly several organizations associated with an event.
- security group-- A group of 25Live users who share a common set of access and assignment rights to system functionality and data.
- location-- The term used to describe a space in 25Live.
- star/favorite-- 25Live users may favorite an event, location, resource, or organization that's important to them for any reason by using the star icons. Your starred items are easily accessed from many areas in 25Live, and may be "unstarred" as needed.
- state-- The event's current place in the planning or completion process. The options are Draft (when it's not yet a "real" event with location and/or resource assignments), Tentative, Confirmed, Sealed, and Cancelled.
- tentative-- An event state in which an event can be edited (by authorized users) and the state changed.
- cancelled-- An event state in which the event cannot normally be changed or restored to an editable state. When an event is saved in this state, all its location and resource assignments are immediately released for re-assignment.
- draft—An event stated used in the Student Club and Organization request process that requires Advisor review. This state does not encumber space. It is only a request.
- confirmed--An event state in which the event has been approved and space is encumbered.
The following factors may impact the timeliness of the approval process:
- Weighing your request against the needs of the institution based on scheduling priorities. For example, waiting until the 10th day of the semester when the academic schedule has been solidified to book meetings and workshops in classrooms or confirming dates for annual and major institutional events.
- Missing detailed information to communicate specific needs to venue managers and service providers such as: room configuration, technical presentation needs, and safety-related information.
- Lack of time to convert room setups and support between back-to-back events, such as events with complex setups, or events on weekends where overtime labor needs to be coordinated.
- Concerns regarding safety and risk management factors requiring consultation with campus partners.
If your preferred space is not available, continue to submit the request without a space listed and your Advisor or the Event Scheduler will assist by suggesting options. Consider ways to modify your request like:
- Changing the date or time frame
- Adjusting the anticipated count to better reflect expectations
- Choosing other rooms with different configurations
- Altering the room setup or program format