Delaware Bay Restoration
Moores Beach East Prefill
Moores Beach East Postfill
Horseshoecrab Recovery
Oyster Reefs
Leica RTK GPS data collection
DynaScan boat-mounted LiDAR
Deployment of Nortek Aquadopp (current profiler and wave system)
Hypack Bathymetric survey equipment
Hurricane Sandy devastated sandy beach habitats along NJ’s Delaware Bay shoreline. These critical habitats support spawning horseshoe crabs and foraging migratory shorebirds.
The CRC, in partnership with the American Littoral Society and USFWS, developed projects
to restore storm damaged beaches. Living shoreline projects designed to enhance and
stabilize the restored beach habitats are underway across the state. Additional goals
are to enhance ecological and community resilience, restore degraded marsh, and understand
the long and short term movement of sediment along the Delaware Bay shoreline.
Click on the Delaware Bay Sediment Transport Anlysis Tool section for an interactive
web application displaying the progress of this work
For videos of the projects, see below: