Parents & Family



You should provide emotional support and a willing ear. It is likely to be a very stressful time for your child.

Encourage your child to contact our office: 609.626.3585

A complaint is a report that has been completed by a faculty, staff, student or police officer alleging that the respondent has violated the Student Code of Conduct.  The complaint will be reviewed prior to a pre-hearing interview, by our office to determine if the Campus Hearing Board is the appropriate venue for resolution of the complaint. 

Yes, you may attend the hearing as an advisor for your student.  An advisor may be a parent, friend, or attorney.  At a hearing, an advisor may quietly advise you however, they may not participate in the hearing, address the panel, witnesses or any other person present at the hearing.  The disciplinary process can and should be a learning experience for students to explain and/or accept responsibility for their actions. They are best able to do that without parents present.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) protects the privacy of students educational records, including disciplinary files, from disclosure to any third party without the student's permission. This means that the specifics of a student's disciplinary case will not be discussed with his or her parents or with anyone else unless the student has waived that right to privacy. You can learn more about FERPA .


Please note, we only accept FERPA waivers with a specific conduct case number indicated; FERPA waivers without a specific conduct case number will not be processed.

FERPA's provisions are not absolute; there are limited exceptions. The Higher Education Reauthorization Act of 1998 allows colleges and universities to contact the parents of students in disciplinary cases such as drugs and alcohol. The  University's parental notification policy provides for different types of contact depending on the type of violation.

No, during a Campus Hearing Board, the student must speak for themselves.  Parents may only act as non-participatory advisors.  Throughout the process students are expected to speak for themselves.

Yes. The proceedings, the identity of those involved, all files, testimony and findings are confidential and will generally be disclosed only with your permission. However, university officials will be given information on a “need-to-know” basis.

Only suspensions and expulsions are noted on transcripts. 

If your student is having difficulty with their roommate, encourage them to contact Residential Life: 609.652.4332.

If your student is having difficulty with another student or faculty/staff member, encourage them to reach out to us: 609.626.3585.